Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Interesting Interview With MD of Brompton Cycles

Yesterday, while recovering from the cold I caught while cycling in the snow to Oxford at the weekend, I heard the following interview with Brompton Cycle's Will Butler-Adams. It's pretty fascinating, I didn't realise they were still actually built in London (Brentford, a mile from where I went to school)

BBC iPlayer (only valid for a week)

It starts about 1:35 in, so you'll need to fast-forward to that, to avoid the 80s jazz.


baz carter said...

I might want to hear so 80's jazz :)

matt said...

Ahh, well Robert's your man then :-) At least that's what he always seems to play whenever I catch him.

baz carter said...

Brommies and 80's jazz? Are you sure you've not linked into an intermission from the golden age of cinema :) Ki-ora any one?